Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I get my own Business Cards! :)

I just wanted to take a minute to let everyone know that I applied for the Director of Crimson Nights on the UPC board at the University of Utah and even though there was some stiff competition- I got the position! I've put a lot of work into UPC in my two years of college so far and it is about time that work paid off. :) It's going to be a lot of work and might be pretty hectic at times, but it will be a good experience and it's a full-ride scholarship so that's a plus too.

This is the note i found on my mirror when I woke up the day of my interview/presentation. I have the best family!


Kristin said...

Aw! So cute! Nice job, Rach!!!

Mandy said...

That's Awesome...Congratulations!!! That was a sweet note your dad wrote. Families are the best. I want one of your business cards when you get them.