Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Wedding Was Years Ago, The Celebration Continues To This Day

Yesterday was Mom and Dad's 28th Wedding Anniversary! In a world such as it is today, where people get divorced over who ate the last pizza pocket, that is quite a feat. I know things haven't always been easy for them, but they fought through it together and came out on top.

As a very privileged daughter, I just want to express my gratitude for all that they've done to give my brothers and I everything we always wanted. We've never had to go without and it is because my parents have always strived to be the best parents possible. And I can say, maybe with a little bias, that they have succeeded.

Family is the most important thing in this world, and I am so happy that mine is so close. The best times we have, is when we're all together. This is because we are not only family, but also best friends. They are the first people I come to when I have any problem; the only people I can rely on 100% of the time.

I am grateful that I was raised in the Gospel so that from the time i could talk, I could understand that I never had to face any trials alone. I know that being raised LDS is easier than not being. People outside the Church may think the opposite because of all of our "rules" but I have learned that those rules are there to create happiness, not to stand in the way of it.

Whenever I tell someone how long my parents have been married or how young they were when they wed, people are always surprised that they are still married today, or that they got married because they wanted to, not because they "had to". That's because it's just unheard of these days, which once again, makes me proud to be different.

I know everyone always says this, but I truly have the best parents in the world, at least for me and my brothers and sisters-in-law. I am proud of them on this day for their great example to me of what marriage should be like. I love you Mom and Dad!

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