Saturday, November 22, 2008

Best Movie Ever!/Happy Birthday Joycen!/Moonlight Madness

Me, Mom, Kristin, Ann and Vicki Lewellyn went to the midnight showing of Twilight on Thursday. And I still cannot get over what a good movie it was. I was on the edge of my seat either being lovestruck or excited the entire time. I plan to see it numerous more times and I cannot wait until it comes out on DVD. If you haven't seen it-I 100% recommend it.
Me and Mom, in our matching sweatsuits,about to go

Brent, thinking we are totally lame for going-this is his "totally lame" face
Mom, Me, Ann, Kristin and Vicki

Yesterday was Joyce's 20th Birthday! As tradition, we went to dinner really late at night at Chili's. Happy Birthday!Joyce, Jess and Me

Tonight was Moonlight Madness at my job-where we are supposed to dress up like Christmas and we are open to Midnight. It was a very long day but it was also a lot of fun.

The morning crew before the first shift

Esh, Me and T <3

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