Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day Sixteen

My Hiatus is over. I had to study for my four exams last week and so the blog had to take the backseat.
Then the topic for today was dumb! "Another Picture of Yourself". Oh brother, there are a million and one topics you could assign to write and they repeat the same one in 30 day time period? So I'm gonna talk about
My Weekend
it started Thursday, I got done with my week of school at 3:30PM. *Sigh of Relief* I thought this week was going to be super hard, but guess what? If you study and prepare, even four tests can't get you down! (I need to ingrain this in my memory so that I quit procrastinating all the time!) After class and meetings, Me, Joyce and our friend Fonzie went to dinner to catch up.
Friday, I woke up, attempted to clean my room (fail), then went to shopping and lunch with Alison. She buys tons and I buy nothing, typical.
That night, Me, Joyce, Alison and Rob went to dinner at Olive Garden and then went to the homecoming dance. It was better than last year, but still not great. But hey! we had fun anyway. After the dance, we all went and slept over at Rob's new place.
Saturday, I worked (and for the first time--in a long time-- Work was great!) then me and Joyce went to our friend Nuthaniel's place.

All in all, it was a really good end to a stressful week. Good friend, good times and fun. Just what the doctor ordered.

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